Hands-On Reading: Summer Fun Series

February 18, 2025
Hands-On Reading: Summer Fun Series

Looking for some new Pinterest-worthy crafts and learning games? How about a creative new dinner idea where the kids can be your sous chef? Here are some great hands-on projects from our Osceola Reads Summer Fun Series to spark imagination and get in some reading with the family! All you will need are:

  • supplies you can recycle from around the house
  • a few ingredients from your favorite grocery store
  • and time to make some memories

Build a fuzzy friend

Footsteps2Brilliance has an Alphabet Animal STEM series. Read about animals from A-Z, then create this simple craft! All you need is an empty egg carton, pipe cleaners, googley eyes, pom-poms and, of course, the Footsteps2Brilliance app. Not registered yet? Click here.

Bottle Beast Game

Read aloud a monster book as a family, such as If You're a Monster and You Know It. Then make these adorable bottle beasts. You can play the game included, act out a skit with your characters, or just pretend play with your creations!

Special Snacks for Pet Pals

Do you have a pet at home? Is your family considering a new addition? Read Dr. Seuss's What Pet Should I Get? Then make some tasty treats for your favorite animal.

Memory Match

Remake the classic memory game with leftover egg cartons from Building a Fuzzy Friend. If you don't have any egg cartons, you can use paper plates! This idea suggests designing eyeballs, but you can let your kiddos create whatever they would like - as long as there are two of the same. For the younger kids, how about using stickers to make it easier? The Footsteps2Brilliance app has matching games to go along with many of the books in their library, too!

Take-Along Taco Cup

Looking for an upgrade to Taco Tuesday? Try this fun walking taco idea, and pair it with the book Dragons Love Tacos. The kids will love being able to help with a meal, and everyone in the family can make this tasty treat with all the toppings they want!

Color Scavenger Hunt?

Get the whole family outside exploring to find things in nature! This activity would go great with Footsteps2Brilliance's Earth and Sky series. Need a rainy day activity? Complete the scavenger hunt inside, and then let the kids have arts and crafts time to create something with their discoveries.

Looking for more fun things to do at home with the kids? Check out our Pinterest boards for fun activities you can incorporate into your literacy time with the family!

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Daughter and mom reading Osceola Reads together