How to Offer Effective Feedback to Students

April 22, 2024
How to Offer Effective Feedback to Students

You’ve explored the resources Osceola Reads offers and have your students on track to be school-ready, but how do you maintain their progress and ensure student growth? Feedback to students, especially consistent and high-quality feedback, is key to motivating your students to further expand their knowledge as they grow. Research shows that quality feedback is essential to the continued success of your students; there are numerous classroom strategies for delivering quality feedback.  

What is Quality of Feedback?

Often confused with concept development,  quality of feedback "assesses the degree to which the teacher provides feedback that expands learning and understanding and encourages continued participation" (Cornwell, 2017). Unlike concept development, quality of feedback occurs in response to what a student says or does, with the goal of motivating the student to continue expanding their knowledge so they can accomplish tasks on their own. Quality of feedback, especially for younger students, has been proven to motivate them, help them expand their knowledge, and perform tasks on their own (ELC of Seminole, 2021). 

How Can I Improve Quality of Feedback in My Classroom?

Improving quality of feedback for your students is simple, if you keep the following in mind:

  • Code Your Feedback Appropriately

While it sometimes takes the form of a simple “good job” when a student completes a task, quality feedback goes further (Resilient Educator, 2022). Think about the task at hand and determine what you want the student to gain from the feedback you provide and how you want them to expand their knowledge. 

  • Consider Your Audience

Each student is unique, and what works as feedback for one student might be less effective with another. Feedback needs to be specific and clear (Cornwell, 2017). For some students, especially those who are new to your class or learning English, feedback might require additional clarification or different delivery. Deliver feedback in stages, rather than giving lots of feedback at the end of a task. Keep in mind that feedback for English Language Learners is a great way to build a relationship with the student and help them feel safe and secure in your classroom. 

  • Be Mindful of Time

When possible, make time to check in with your students one on one or have a teacher-led station where you can focus on each student individually and give them time to process your feedback. Make it a point to consistently provide feedback so students always know where they stand. Allow students time to explore their own reasoning for what they’ve performed and take ownership of their growth (ELC of Seminole, 2021). 

  • Actively Look for Opportunities

Make quality feedback part of the daily routine during activities and language modeling exercises. Allow your students to engage with the feedback you provide by giving them a space where they can publicly celebrate their progress and positive feedback. A bulletin board in your classroom or a progress chart where you track their improvement is a great way to deliver feedback that is visible and easy to follow (Resilient Educator, 2022). 

Developing strategies for providing quality feedback to students is a valuable tool for any teacher. Checking in with your students and finding new ways to help them expand their knowledge and skills will put them on the track to success. To fill your lesson plans with activities, visit our Teacher Resources page for free downloadable resources.

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